Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Land of Bossy

Christina once gave me a book titled "How to Outwit Squirrels" which I read from cover to cover b/c I was determined to stop the squirrels from getting into our bird feeders.  In the end, I was the one who was outwitted and the squirrels won.  I find myself once again being outwitted but this time it's by Jordan and I can't for the life of me find the "How to Outwit Your Two Year Old" book!!!

Jordan seems to have graduated with honors from the 'Torture Your Mother' school.  My Mom told me Jordan is a little mini version of me which was not so great to hear b/c I put my parents thru hell!

This sweet little quiet child has turned into a demanding bossy impatient loud mouth!!  And she knows when she has pushed my buttons and when I'm at the point of losing my mind.  How does she know this you ask?  This daughter of mine will give you the most FAKE smile she can muster up right at the moment you are about to flip your lid and it's hilarious!  I try very, very hard not to laugh but there are times when it just catches me off guard and I bust out laughing b/c she has totally played me and I am totally defeated and SHE IS TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just this week she has decided to add a fake hug into the mix along w/the fake smile.  Where does she come up w/this stuff?

And b/c of this new area of the 2's that we are currently visiting I have been forced to take on a few part time jobs.  For example:

 - SHORT ORDER COOK:  "I want 'sumpin' else" when the meal option is just not that appealing any longer.

 - JULIE, CRUISE SHIP DIRECTOR:  "Where we going" is the question each and every morning, which basically means "How are you going to entertain me today?"

 - ADMIN. ASSISTANT:  "I want to call Bubby & Pop-Pop.  Mommy, you call Bubby?"

 - DJ:  "I no like this song Mommy.  I want new song."

 - WENCH:  "Mommy you follow me!"

 - EVENT PLANNER:  "Mommy we have tea party now?"

Jordan's new thing is "I help you Mommy."  No matter what it is I am doing I get the "I help you Mommy."  So this week have had help making the coffee(I think we put 1/2 the bag into one pot), sweeping the floors(of course the wet Cheerios got mushed into the floors as the sweeping was happening), loading the laundry into the machines(I had to convince Jordan that Nina the cat was really not interested in going into the washer machine), dragging the garbage cans back down the driveway after garbage day but this was quickly followed up with:  "Too heavy Mommy.  That too heavy.  You do."  Funny thing is, when I let Jordan know it's time to put her toys away she decides helping just isn't all that interesting.  So she is selectively helping me.  Once again, played by the two year old!

Onto other things...........................

I took Jordan to her first ever movie!!!!!!  We went to go see Disney's "EARTH" and what a cool time we had.  Of course her boyfriend Chase was there too.  It was like Jordan and Chase were on their first date but their mommies were there w/them.  I'm not sure what was more exciting to them:  the movie or the bag of popcorn they devoured.  But what was really funny was this:  I sit Jordan in her own seat and b/c she weighs next to nothing the seat just snapped back up so all you could see was her head and her feet b/c she was sandwiched in that seat!!!  I had to sit w/my hand on her chair for the entire time we were there.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there!  Hope you enjoy your day.  

1 comment:

  1. S:

    This post is absolutely hysterical as are so many others on your blog. I can SO relate! You had me rolling last night as I perused your posts and pictures.

    Looking forward to seeing Miss Bossy (who wasn't very bossy to US at all!) again soon along with Mommy and Mima

