Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Conversations (and tantrums) With Jordan

Hello from The Land of Jordan!  A land where one single child can test and break your sanity before you even have a chance to realize you're losing your mind.  That same single child can then reel you back in w/her kisses and hugs and make you second guess your sanity break.

Jordan has become quite the vocal entertainer lately.  I spend much of my day having conversations w/Jordan which I just realized today are pretty much conversations of me repeating CORRECTLY what she was trying to say.  

For example, Jordan's new thing is to run into the room shouting, "HERE MY AM!!!"  Which really means, "here I am".

And then we have the new fascination w/airplanes.  It took 30 flights but she's finally interested in the whole airplane/airport experience.  Every single day she says to me, "Mommy, airport day?"  Which is always followed up with:  "I ON PLANE MORROW!!"  Meaning, "I'm going on a plane tomorrow".  Once she realizes we are not going on a plane and we are certainly not going anywhere near the airport she decides:  "BUBBY POP-POP PLANE MORROW!!"  I love how Bubby AND Pop-Pop are not two separate people but just one person:  Bubby Pop-Pop.

We also have another new topic we seem to discuss on a daily basis:  "I ON CATION WITH JAKEY?"  This is always posed as a question.  So I have to tell Jordan that yes, she will go on vacation w/Jakey again but just not today.  And this leads us into the pool discussion.  She then wants to know:  "I POOL DAY?"  To which I seem to always be letting my child down by replying:  "No honey, today is not a pool day b/c we seem to be living in Alaska now and the weather is just never warm enough for a pool day, can I interest you in some ice fishing?"

I like how my two year old tries to use some type of psychology on me when she doesn't want to do something, like, go to school:  "NO SCHOOL DAY MOMMY" as if I just might buy into that and say, "Oh okay, you're right Jordan, there's no school today."

Oh and we also have the "NO HOME" and 2 seconds later the "YES HOME"  tantrum on most days.  This usually happens when she's wicked tired and just can't get it together.  And this is the one 'conversation' that puts me over the edge.  She'll say, "no home" so I follow it up with, "okay no home" and then she'll flip out and scream, "YES HOME" so I'll try and calm her and I say, "okay yes home" and then she loses her mind screaming, "NOOOOOO HOOOOME" and now I'm losing my mind and the two of us look like idiots b/c she's screaming and I'm attempting to tell her that she's confusing the &*@% out of me.  UGH!  This scene always ends w/me tossing my child (kidding) into the car seat and instantly stopping the meltdown by sticking the paci into her mouth.  And suddenly the world is silent and I'm left sweating.

When Jordan notices something new she now says, "HEY WHAT THAT?"  She seemed to be interested in the cell phone towers for about a week, "hey what that" and then we moved onto people in wheelchairs "hey what that" and this week our interests are ambulances or police cars or anything w/lights and sirens "hey what that?".

Jordan doesn't like you to do things that someone else has been doing for her.  Like each night Mima reads this one specific book to Jordan before bed.  If Mima is out of town on business and I pick that book up to read it to Jordan she tells me:  "NO MIMA DO THAT" which basically means:  do not even think about reading that book to me you stupid woman, that is Mima's job dumb ass!  The other day I said something to her and she promptly turned around and said, "NO AMY DO THAT" which meant I was not allowed to say this specific thing b/c Amy is the one who has always said this therefore nobody else is allowed to say it.

We are no longer listening to the "NAH NAH NAH" (Pink's 'SO WHAT') song in the car, thank God.  But we are now obsessed with this Sesame Street CD.  I have noticed lately when I go to the post office or the dry cleaners I find myself singing, "Oh these are the people in your neighborhood.....the people that you meet each day" which meant it was time for a change.  So now Jordan and I are taking turns w/our music.  We get in the car and she asks, "Jordan's song?" so I play a song off the CD and once that ends she asks, "Mommy's song?" so I flip to the radio and we listen to one song on the radio and once that song ends she asks, "Jordan's song?" and we're back to the CD.  I feel like a deejay driving a wagon.

For quite awhile, anytime we walked into a supermarket (be it Whole Foods or one of those 'other' places) Jordan would say, "MIMA'S WORK" which is very cute b/c she was putting it together.  But that has since changed.  Now I hear "MIMA'S WORK" every day as we drive past the BMW dealer b/c Mima has been having some tire issues and we seem to be either dropping Mima off there or picking Mima up there a lot.  So Mima now works for BMW and is currently offering some really good lease options for those of you who might be interested.

The Land of Jordan wishes everyone a Happy Passover and a Happy Easter.

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