Where to start? Let's see:
- Jordan (and The Posse) just returned from their Dominican Republic trip. Jordan has now been on 28 planes. You would think after 28 flights this child would understand that you must wait for the plane to be in the air AND for the captain to give the okay for us to pull out the DVD player. But that doesn't seem to be the case. I have come to realize that Jordan now associates flying w/getting to watch endless amounts of videos and she doesn't seem to care that the captain has not given the 'it is now okay to use portable electronic devices' speech. I think for Jordan's next flight I'm going to ask if she can ride up front w/the pilots. Let them deal w/it.
- Jordan started pre-school, or what I like to refer to as: pre, pre, pre-school b/c I mean come on, she's 2. Can we really say this is school? What I can say is this: it is 2 hours twice a week that I leave my daughter w/someone else and this amazing feeling of pre, pre, pre-child comes over me b/c I am what I like to refer to as: FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Let's take today for instance. I dropped Jordan off, well, she was actually pulled off my body b/c she was crying and clinging and not wanting to be left there b/c she told me: "no school day mommy". (I was told she stopped crying after 3 minutes and did great for the rest of the class) Let's get back to me shall we? So I decide to spend my 2 hours running a few errands. I'm driving in the car w/the radio CRANKED and I'm singing at the top of my lungs and drumming the heck out of the steering wheel when I realize how much of a dork I am b/c this is all happening in a wagon!!!! UGH! There were a few times I found myself glancing in the rearview mirror at the empty car seat and having a slight moment of panic wondering why Jordan was not in it!
- Speaking of listening to the radio in the car: Jordan has now decided that the ONLY song we can EVER listen to in the car is a song by PINK called "SO WHAT". It's a pretty cool song....that is until you've listened to it over and over and over and over again. She calls it the "Nah Nah Nah song mommy" and God forbid I let another track from the CD play......."NO MOMMY - NAH NAH NAH SONG MOMMY!!!!!!!!" Kinda funny and strange at the same time to hear our 2 year old singing, "So, so what? I am a rock star. I've got my rock moves, and I don't need you tonight. And you're a tool so, so what?" Jordan saying "you're a tool" is so funny b/c it makes me wonder, is she thinking this person is a hammer? Or a screw driver? Maybe a wrench?
- Oh, I have to go back to the school thing for a minute. So at the school they do not allow the moms to hang out in the hallways by the classrooms b/c they don't want the kids to see us. Of course I totally get that knowing how if Jordan saw me out there she'd start crying again and demand they let her out of the room. Today, a few us moms are hanging out in the 'cafe' doing what moms do best: talk. All of a sudden one of the moms lets out a gasp! So I turn around and another mom turns around to see what's up and as we are looking thru the floor to ceiling glass window we see OUR kids walking in the hallway w/their teachers. And this is where it gets so super funny: within a split second, the other mom and I literally JUMP out of our chairs and DIVE behind not only the table but behind one of the other moms sitting there!!!!! And here were are on the floor of this 'cafe', crouched down, pretending that if we don't look up maybe, just maybe we could pass ourselves off as either chairs or tables or just random pieces of furniture.....?!!!! Oh and the mom that we are hiding behind? She's still in her chair but has taken the entire top 1/2 of her body and positioned it UNDER the table!!!!!! Seriously, the more I think about the reaction we had the more I laugh at this. We never spoke about an action plan if the kids came walking by, we just acted and acted exactly the same!!
- Christina and I continue to be amazed at how Jordan can flip her "paci" (pacifier) in her mouth w/out using her hands. (no paci comments please, she will eventually be weened off this thing. If you feel it necessary to make a paci comment we will come back at you w/what my Aunt Evie and my mom like to say: "you've never seen anyone walk down the aisle w/a pacifier in their mouth have you?") Anyway, I like to put it in her mouth upside down just to watch her spin it in her mouth until it's in the correct position. Of course both Christina and I have tried to do this and have failed miserably. I feel that by failing the paci spin move we are ruining our lesbian reputation!!! And speaking of the paci, I am blown away by how that little thing can stop meltdowns in a matter of seconds. Jordan can be screaming, crying, having a total fit about something - but the second that paci enters her mouth the world stands still! She just stops. Instantly. Lately, as I watch and listen to Christina rant on about something, I find myself wondering if I take that little paci and just plop it in her mouth will she just stop? Instantly? Oh man, I could be onto something here.
That's your Land Of Jordan update for now. More to come soon!!!
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