Sunday, February 4, 2018

'Reality Mom'

The Land of Jordan has done some serious growing & changing since the last time we've all been together.

The subject of this blog is now 11 & holy interesting roads we wind up on with this 11 year old.

As most of you know, JoJo is involved in theater. I realize I'm 100% biased because she's my kid but I honestly think she's quite good up on that stage.

I've been spending a great deal of time adjusting to this new world of having an 11 year old & I realized the other day that I am pretty much just a character in JoJo's 'show' aka known as her life.  I swore I nailed the audition of 'Coolest Mom' but when I recently read the script for this show.... I wasn't too thrilled to learn I'm not playing the part of 'Coolest Mom' any longer.  I'm now playing the part of 'Mom Who Thinks She's Cool But Can't Take a Hint'.

Let's set the scene for you: 'Coolest Mom' volunteers for each and every show JoJo is in. 'Coolest Mom' spends her time in the Green Room (room where the cast gets ready for the shows, make-up, wardrobe, rehearsing, etc) helping with whatever anyone needs. 'Coolest Mom' loves being there with the cast & JoJo. 'Coolest Mom' knows JoJo is thrilled she's there.  Oh wait a minute, that scene is from the previous script. Actually from all the previous scripts.

There's been some editing to the current script & we are now using the character: 'Mom Who Thinks She's Cool But Can't Take a Hint'. This new character walks over to where JoJo & some of the cast are sitting. 'Mom Who Thinks She's Cool But Can't Take a Hint' seems confused when JoJo & some of the cast immediately get up & move to another part of the Green Room. So 'Mom Who Thinks She's Cool But Can't Take a Hint' moves to the other part of the Green Room where JoJo & some of the cast are now sitting. And within 33 seconds JoJo & her cast peeps get up, move back to the first part of the Green Room they were in & 'Mom Who Thinks She's Cool But Can't Take a Hint' is baffled. This scene plays out 2 more times until 'Mom Who Thinks She's Cool But Can't Take a Hint' is removed from the show altogether and immediately replaced with: 'Reality Mom'.

'Reality Mom' is standing in the Green Room speechless & a bit unsettled. 'Reality Mom' has issues with accepting, you know......reality. 'Reality Mom' legit doesn't know what to do. She's never been here before. This is a new stage & she's super unsure of herself. 'Reality Mom' requests a meeting with the director. And by requesting a meeting, she means that she approached JoJo & her theater peeps & stated rather loudly: "What's the deal? I can't hang with you guys now that you're all 11 and too cool for me?" The script says at this point JoJo rolls her eyes & looks at her friends like "I have no idea who that lady is" so 'Reality Mom' who really should be called 'Denial Mom' walks away with defeat in her heart but is quickly filled with hope when JoJo comes up and gives her a hug & then returns to her theater peeps. 'Reality Mom' feels much better after the hug.

The script says 'Reality Mom' begins searching for a therapy group where she can attend weekly meetings to deal with the status/character change within the show. Stay tuned for therapy updates........thanks for visiting The Land of Jordan.

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