Jo-Jo is officially a 2 year old!!!! So far (and I'm sure I'm going to regret putting this in writting) the two's are not so terrible. Of course we've only been in the two's for a very short amount of time...........and I can hear everyone right now saying, "ohhhh, just you's coming!" But so far we are doing okay here in yet another unfamiliar stage of Jo-Jo's life.
The area we do seem to be having major issues in would be the pediatrician visits. For some reason Jordan is absolutely terrified of her pediatrician right now. She seems somewhat okay w/the nurses but man, once her doctor walks into the room Jordan starts climbing up my body, crying, saying "no" over and over again, and refusing to make eye contact in hopes that this little trick will make the doctor walk out of the room b/c if eye contact is not made then there's no way the doctor sees Jordan right? So mommy comes up w/a plan! I had to take Jordan to the doctor this past week (she has a nasty cold) and this time I brought w/us, as a surprise to Jordan, her pretend doctor's kit!! As we were waiting for the doctor to come into the room I pulled out the kit and Jordan seemed totally psyched about it. We talked about how we're going to look in the doctor's ears and the doctor's eyes and we're going to listen to the doctor's chest and take the doctor's temperature too! We seemed to be doing great at this point. That is until time starts slipping by and we're stuck in the room waiting, and waiting and waiting for the doctor to come in. I've always had issues w/the waiting for anything in life and now that Jordan is w/me I have even bigger issues w/the waiting b/c I don't think people in the world who do not have children understand YOU CAN NOT KEEP US LOCKED IN A SMALL ROOM FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME!!!! Things are bound to happen.
What things? Well, let's just say those cute little labels on the cotton ball jar that say 'PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH, FOR STAFF ONLY'......yeah, I just turned the jar around a bit so I didn't actually see the label anymore and Jordan and I had a cotton ball throwing contest. And the jar filled w/those tongue depressers? Turned that jar around too! It's sort of like Jordan's eye contact theory: if you don't see it then it's not there, right? We used the tongue depressers to play baseball w/the cotton balls.
And suddenly the door to our very tiny room opens, in walks the pediatrician who is greeted by me wearing the pretend stethoscope, the pretend blood pressure cuff, the pretend band aid, the pretend thermometer hanging out of my mouth, cotton balls in my ears, cotton balls on my head, tongue depressers attached to my fingers w/some rubber bands I managed to find in the drawers............and then Jordan climbing up my body, crying, saying "no" over and over again and refusing to make eye contact!
We are now entering the 3 word sentence phase!!! It's so cool and really fun to hear Jordan put together sentences that actually make sense! The other night we had, "Where moon go?" when the moon could not be located from any window in our house. One of my favorites is, "Mommy sit here." That one is very cute, boarding on bossy. Then we have the sentences that get a bit mixed up. Lately Jordan has decided that brushing her teeth is just not a priority so she tells us, "Teeth brush no!" thinking that's going to get her out of it.
We are still into pointing out each and every school bus we see while we're in the car, but now we are actually waving and saying, "HI BUS" to each one and then, "BYE BUS" when it passes us. This is also applied to each and every truck we see while in the car, "HI TRUCK" and then it passes us, "BYE TRUCK". We now look beyond the road and have discovered the: "SIGNS!!!" Which is quickly followed up with, "MORE SIGNS!!!" Can't leave out "FLAGS!!!" also followed up with, "MORE FLAGS!!!" Have you ever noticed that car dealerships have the ultimate biggest flags? Why is that?
I've mentioned in the past how Jordan is very affectionate and that has not changed a bit, if anything she's even more affectionate these days. Her new thing is wanting to hold my hand which is awesome, but, she is not asking to hold my hand while we are walking or sitting or playing. Nope, it's while I'm driving! "HAND, HOLD, MOMMY!" So instead of saying, "Jordan mommy is driving right now and I can't hold your hand b/c well you see I'm in the front seat and you're in the back seat", I don't say anything at all. Instead I lean my entire body over towards the center console, reach my arm back in the most uncomfortable position imaginable, allow her to grab hold of my hand and we continue driving in this position until one of two things happens: 1 - my arm losses all blood circulation and falls off........or 2 - I am pulled over by the police b/c it appears as if no one is driving my car b/c I'm so sprawled over the center console.
I realize now why people decorate the outside of their houses for the holidays and it has nothing to do w/religion! It's to make car rides at night way more fun for 2 year olds! Jordan loves, loves, loves the holiday lights on all the homes. The more we see the more she wants! Sometimes I feel as if I'm on a reality show being timed to see if I can find the next house that has holiday lights up. "More lights, more lights, more lights" is what we hear if we are passing houses which are not lit up. Your child somehow takes over your car and you find yourself zooming thru neighborhoods searching for lit up houses and under your breath cursing out the folks who own the houses w/no lights!
And speaking of holidays - hope everyone out there has a great one!
That's all from THE LAND OF JORDAN............
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