We made it thru our 2nd Jordan Halloween w/only a slight sugar buzz. Jordan was invited to a funky cool Halloween party where cupcakes and cookies covered in orange icing were readily available to the kids and they quickly figured out that each of them could reach up and grab whatever they wanted from the table of orange icing. No words were spoken. They all just somehow knew the table of orange icing was there in the other room waiting to be taken over by 25 little arms reaching up and randomly pulling down some sugar filled treat. Every single child at the party had orange icing mushed across their face, in their noses, hair, fingernails and yes of course all over their costumes. And this was all BEFORE we went out to trick-or-treat.
Trick-or-treating was pretty fun this year. Fun to watch your child be pushed up to some strangers door, forced to knock or ring the bell, forced to stand there waiting for the unknown to happen, promises of candy delivered by the stranger behind the door.......only thing is nobody was home at that house. Hmmmm, okay. Due-over! Anyway, totally cool to see Jordan up on someone's porch giving her candy. Jordan was mesmerized by the whole process and couldn't quite understand that after you got the candy you said thank you and walked away. She just stood at each person's door and didn't move. Very cute. After about 5 doors of receiving candy she told me she was "all done" so we packed up and went home. And that's actually where I think she had the best time b/c when our doorbell would ring she would go running to the door all kinds of excited and was so happy to be giving out candy to all these people dressed up in silly costumes. She enjoyed this so much that she nearly gave away our entire candy bowl to the first 2 kids who came to our door!
Speaking of "all done"..........Jordan and her cousin Max had a fun filled trip to Build-A-Bear a few weeks ago. They each chose to stuff a dog instead of a bear. By the time Max was done his dog was decked out in a Batman outfit. By the time Jordan was done (more like by the time I was done) her dog was decked out in a WNBA outfit! What? Jordan actually chose this outfit
after I pulled it down from the shelf, showed it to her, hid all the other outfits in the store and told her this was the coolest outfit I'd ever seen and didn't she think it would look amazing on her dog? So we go to the finishing area where you create your birth certificate for their newly stuffed/built dogs and you get to give them a name. Max's dog was given the obvious name: Batdog. Jordan's turn. So mommy says, "Jordan, what would you like to name your dog?" To which Jordan replies, "All done." And that's the name I put on her dog's birth certificate.
A few little awesome tidbits about Jordan: she can count to 10, she can pick out the letters P, O & N from the alphabet, she is putting 2 & 3 words together to form her sentences, she's bossy (and getting bossier), she is 23 months old today which means we are exactly ONE MONTH from her 2nd birthday, she likes pumpkin pie (discovered this last night), she imitates nearly everything I do or say.
That's all for now from The Land of Jordan..........
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