This week we have discovered the world of tattoos! Yes, that's right, I did say tattoos. Real ones too.
Jordan has shown a very intense interest in the tattoo I have on my ankle. Yesterday morning we spent a great deal of time tracing it w/our fingers and saying over and over again, "TATTOO" only to my ears it sounded like "AT TOO", not to be confused w/what is said after you sneeze, "AH CHOO".
Silly Mommy thinks we are only fascinated w/saying the name over and over again, "AT TOO, AT TOO, AT TOO" until I walk back into the bathroom and find Jordan on the floor drawing on HER ankle w/Mima's lipstick. And that's when Mommy uses the heard-a-gazillion-times-a-day phrase: "UH-OH"!!!!
Speaking of hearing something over and over again - we must hear the word "no" at least 9,000 times in the course of one day. "No" is the answer to any and all questions. "Jordan, would you like a snack?" "No." "Jordan, do you want to go the park?" "No." Mima asked Jordan this question the other day: "Jordan, did you poop yesterday?" "No" was Jordan's reply when in fact she had pooped. And then Mima asked her, "Jordan, are you going to poop today?" "No" was the answer again and then 3 minutes later we had a poopy diaper!
My Mom says we are the generation who ask our children too many questions instead of her generation where they just told the children what was going to happen. I feel like I'm some where in between generations b/c I first ask Jordan a question which is always answered w/the ever popular "No" and then I wind up telling Jordan what is going to happen whether she likes it or not. So I fall into the ASK THEN TELL category.
We've been dealing w/Jordan having a cold for nearly 2 weeks now. This particular cold has manifested itself inside Jordan's nose leaving her unable to breathe thru her nose and walking around sounding a bit like a mini-Darth Vader. She's starting to put a few words together to form sentences so if "Luke, I am your father" comes out of her mouth I won't be overly surprised!
I tried something on Jordan I've never used before: the nose suction thingy. I figured it had to be helpful to suck out all those sloshy boogies right? So I tackle the first nostril and I'm successful except Jordan is completely wide eyed and freaked out by what I had I just done to her. Tackling the second nostril is not so easy. Jordan is flipping out, fighting me every step of the way. I finally get her pinned down, hands are secured and I'm heading in w/the nose suction thingy. I'm in position and as I squeeze the nose suction thingy to get it ready for suctioning I wind up squeezing it too hard and a major glob of pre-suctioned boogies comes flying out from the nose suction thingy and lands smack in the middle of Jordan's hair. Lovely. At this point I figure why suction when boogies are in her hair, what's the difference if boogies are on her face too?
Today we had our Parent/Toddler class at the Y. This is a fantastic class which Jordan seems to love. Someone made the wise decision to bring in the sand box table for the kids to play with indoors. Initially I thought this was a great decision b/c the kids just stand at the table and run their fingers/hands thru the sand or take some shovels/spoons/cups and fill it up w/sand. It's not like they're sitting in the sand or rolling in it b/c it's a table not an actual box. Jordan had a blast at this table. In fact I think she had too much of a good time at this table b/c when I got her home and took her diaper off.................OH MY GOD................HOW DID ALL THIS SAND GET IN HER DIAPER? Was I not watching her the whole time? Did she take a cup full of sand, lift her shirt, pull out her pants, pull out her diaper and dump the sand down there? Did she conspire w/another kid there to have them put the sand in her diaper? OH MY GOD, we might as well have been at the beach. Sand up her butt, sand in her "Veh Jay Jay", sand all over my floor, SAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that's all for this week's LAND OF JORDAN update.
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