I'm attempting to teach Jordan the answer to this question: "How old are you going to be?" For the most part she is seriously getting it down! Majority of the time she answers, "twooooo" (this particular number seems to be sung more than any of the other numbers, two is now twoooooooo) But I decided to change up the question on her today, mix it up a bit. I asked her, "Jordan, on your birthday you're going to be.........?" expecting her to say "twooooo" instead I was met w/what could only be the most obvious answer: "CAKE!" Because you see, the word BIRTHDAY equals CAKE and shame on me for not realizing this sooner. So, "Jordan, on your birthday you're going to be............'CAKE'"!!!! Makes perfect sense right?
The other day I witnessed Jordan taking inventory of her face in the mirror. She sat in front of the mirror (not knowing I was watching) and proceeded to go over every part of her face, saying it all out loud and pointing to what she was saying, "Eye, eye brow, eye lash, nose (which was followed by a tiny "beep"), mouth, teeth, cheek, ear, hair, chin, neck and we ended w/a major lick of the tongue across the mirror.
When it comes to sharing Jordan is pretty good about it. She's very generous and giving...until we enter The Little Gym. For some reason my daughter is under the impression that the balance beam and all the other very large pieces of equipment belong to her. I can't be sure when this started or why this is happening but it's really not my favorite thing. If she is on the balance beam and some other little kid comes over to use it they are met w/a very whinny "nooooooooooooooooo" followed by the body of my daughter thrown onto the floor assuming the pout stance, which I have to say she's mastered. And mommy has mastered the 'okay you go and have your little fit' move by turning and walking away. And then we enter our stand off/stare down phase. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a Western movie......walking the 10 paces, quickly turning around to see who shoots first.
Jordan is beginning to really, really talk a lot. Tons of words, words put together w/other words and lots of pretend play. I have eaten so much pretend soup I think I actually feel full. "Mommy, soup" followed by the spoon Jordan is holding shoved into my mouth so that she is sure I have tasted the soup. And we do this at least 74 more times until I'm pretty convinced we're nearing the end of the soup.
I am madly, deeply in love w/hearing Jordan say, "MOMMY" and I know one day soon I'm going to be writing about how I wish she'd give it a rest but for now I can not get enough of it. I love it so much that I find myself asking her, "Who am I?" just to hear her say, "MOMMY". It's the best sound in the whole entire world.
Halloween is upon us. Jordan is a flower this year. I am so interested to see how & when the connection is made for Jordan: ring the door bell, say "trick or treat", hold out your bag and GET CANDY!!!!!!!!! The connection probably won't happen until next year, but this year will be very fun I'm sure. I know after the first house we go to she is not going to be interested in going to any other houses b/c she'll be so satisfied w/whatever is in her little Halloween bag. But not mommy! Mommy wants to get the most/best candy EVER! My intensions are very clear: use the cuteness of my kid to maximize the amount of candy we get.